As it is in Heaven

The King & City Vision

At King & City, we are committed to the vision that God has given us to be a church in the city for those who have been burned by religion, and burned by the world. As a community, we believe that Jesus valued stories over stats. Because of that belief, we are committed to creating a space where people with the help of Jesus can rewrite their stories, find rest for their souls, and discover who God created them to be. We are a community that has a heart for all people. King & City exists to Love God, Love People, and Practice the Way.

Be with Jesus. Become like Jesus. Do what Jesus did.

Our team is committed to helping our community to practice the way of Jesus.

What We Believe:

God the Father

We believe there is one Creator God - all-knowing, all loving, and all-powerful, who co-exists eternally in three persons, The Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

(Gen 1:1, Deut 6:4, Matt 28:19, Lk 10: 21, Jn 10:30)

Jesus The Son

We believe Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully human. He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, raised from the dead on the third day, ascended to heaven, and will return in power and glory.

(John 1:1-5, Gen 1:1, Isa 9:6, Matt 1:18-25, 1 Peter 2:24, Eph 1:7, Lk 24:6, Acts 1:9, John 14:6, 1 Cor 15:13, 1 Pet 4:5)

The Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit dwells within every follower of Jesus to counsel, equip, empower, guide, and transform each believer into the likeness of Jesus. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual gifts to mature and build up the church for the work of God in the world.

(2 Cor. 3:17, Jn 14, 16, Acts 2:38, Rom 8, Gal 5)



We believe salvation is a gift from God and a deep reflection of his grace and mercy towards us. By placing our faith in God’s great work through Jesus Christ, we are saved from our past, set free in the present, and given hope for the future. As a response to God’s love towards us in Jesus, we respond in obedience to Him through baptism. God’s work through Jesus alone is our hope.

(Rom 3:23, Eph 2:8, Rom 6:23, Acts 2:38, Titus 3:5)

The Church

We believe Jesus is the head of the church. The church is the body of Christ, called by God, and sent by God to bless the world and bring glory to God.

(Ezekiel 47, Eph 1:22-23, Eph 5, Matt 16, Matt 28)

The Bible

We believe the Bible is the authoritative word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is a vital component for helping us understand God’s will for our lives.

(Psalm 1, 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:21)

What We Value


We live in a culture that is desperate for connection. In a culture that has elevated individuality, Jesus speaks directly to our hearts’ desire for real community. As a church family, we believe it is essential that each person in our community of faith join us in a deep commitment to pursue a genuine connection with God and People. We want to be a church where strangers become friends, and friends become family.


We desire to create a culture where serving others becomes a lifestyle. Although we serve often as a Jesus community, our prayer is that we will serve daily as the people of God — not because it was planned, or promoted, but because service is at the very core of who Jesus was, is, and always will be. As a Jesus Community, we believe it is essential that each person in our community of faith join us in a deep commitment to pursue a lifestyle of service toward others as we become more like Jesus.


We believe God is a generous God. Deep within the DNA of King & City is an understanding that all good things are from God, and much joy is found in the sharing of those good things. We believe there is no better place to invest our time, energy, and finances than the local church. Because we believe that together we are striving to be a church family that lives lives of radical generosity towards Jesus, His Church, and His world.


One of the many great truths about Jesus is that He loves us just as we are, while also calling us to a deeper more fulfilling life. The Christian life is a journey that is constantly calling us as individuals and as a Jesus community to go into greater depths into our experience of the Jesus life. We are committed to helping people within our community take their next step with Jesus.

Our Mission:

Love God

Jesus made it clear that there is no higher priority than our relationship with the heavenly Father. Jesus modeled this truth and taught this truth. As a church family we seek to live this out in several ways:

  • We are committed to gathering to worship together every week.

  • We are committed to pursuing God with friends & family each day.

  • We are committed to listening to and obeying God each day.

Love People

Jesus also modeled & taught that deep love for God would always lead to a deep love for people. Jesus modeled this love first towards his community of faith (disciples), & then towards a world in desperate need of a loving God. As a church family, we seek to live this out in several ways:

  • We are committed to building deeper relationships with each other in house churches.

  • We are committed to serving locally, nationally, and globally.

  • We are committed to sharing the gospel with those who do not yet love Jesus.

Practice The Way

Finally, Jesus taught & modeled that his mission is our mission — to make disciples of all nations. As a church family, we seek to awaken the movement that Jesus began in several tangible ways:

  • We are committed to making disciples & planting churches.

  • We will partner with faithful ministries committed to bringing God's Kingdom to Earth.

  • We will actively show & tell the world about the goodness of God's love by meeting both physical & spiritual needs locally and globally.